Saturday, April 01, 2006

This is Not Feminism

I hope the article linked above is an April Fool's Day joke.

Feminism is the belief that women are equal to men in the social, political and economic spheres. It means women get to choose what they want to do in those spheres. Feminism = choice.

Most people understand this, but every once in a great while I run into someone who thinks that "feminism" simply means "women working what the Victorians had considered men's jobs." They would force women into stereotypical "breadwinner" roles just as surely as male chauvinists would force women into stereotypical "housewife" roles. Neither set of bigots can wrap their brain around the concept of "feminism = choice."

It appears that Holland also has at least one of those bigots who call themselves "feminists" but who would deny other women real choice in their lives. What an idiot.


Anonymous said...

I am a "highly educated" woman, who voluntarily chose to stay at home and raise my child.

This woman has some serious issues. And obviously either never had children, or doesn't understand the value of a SAHM for the first (at least) 6 years of their lives.

Anna Schafer said...

. It means women get to choose what they want to do in those spheres. Feminism = choice.feminism